Buddy Support Group
On Thursday, 13th May the Committee held a social evening with the Buddies and invited Dr Paul Hughes to give a talk. This took place in the patio of the Casino Calpe and the weather was just right for an open air evening meal in which food and drink flowed and the Buddies were able to meet up and see old friends and make new ones.
Before the serious drinking and eating began, Derek presented a short video clip which highlighted the fact that Transperineal biopsies were now being made available to patients in Gibraltar. This video would be published on social media to make sure that all patients were fully aware of this significant development.
Dr Paul Hughes began his talk by explaining the main differences between the Transperineal and Transrectal biopsy and emphasised that the latter was no longer the only option for patients in Gibraltar. However, Transperineal biopsies would need to be performed in either Spain or the UK, as the equipment that had already been purchased by PCG had still not been commissioned. He pointed out that the equipment that had been purchased was cutting edge and would achieve significant cost savings to the GHA in the short term.
Dr Hughes went on to explain the strategies that he and his team were introducing to improve the flow of information between patients, consultants, nurses and GPs in an effort to make the experience of patients less stressful. Some of the questions asked by those present were based precisely on the poor communication that had existed up to the present, mainly as a result of the high turnover of consultants. Dr Hughes emphasised that the overarching aim of his team was to make procedures and systems as similar to the UK as possible.
There were a number of questions that referred to the Urolift treatment, which was relatively new in Gibraltar and Dr Hughes explained the rationale and the context surrounding this procedure.
Derek concluded the “Question and Answer” session by encouraging all those present to continue to create awareness by “Liking” and “Sharing” all our posts on Facebook and all the other PCG online media. He also highlighted all the other issues that the Committee were campaigning for and ended by saying that the Group would continue to work tirelessly for the benefit of all prostate patients in Gibraltar until the end of time!
All in all, a very enjoyable and informative evening was had by all! Make sure you don’t miss the next one!
Buddy Support Group